
BNZ Bank

Flexible Working Programme

Following various successful projects, RCP was further engaged by the BNZ to help them take the Auckland corporate offices on a journey to deliver a new activity-based working environment with the design tailored specifically to the BNZ’s business and representing their high reputational profile. 

It is this space that reflects the BNZ’s benchmark standards for the proposed project, reflecting their new way of working providing agile and flexible spaces, with technology empowering a smarter way of working.

The floors were reviewed to improve and optimise the layout to meet the needs of each of the team's ways of working, through storage solutions, varied types of meeting spaces, breakout areas, call centres and quiet focus areas. The first stage of three involved the fitout of over 40,000 sq ft of office space across three Auckland locations; the majority of which was soft fitout, with one large floorplate receiving a full fitout. 5x of the floors required fit-out and furniture changes within a live environment and would also require the decanting of around 950 people (involving 26 teams and approximately 500 staff in situ).

The outcome of these works enabled 26 teams across 8x floors and 3x buildings to change from fixed work locations to flexible working. This was supported through new desking & locker solutions and ReleezMe locker software. A programme was developed with the client to establish work that could be done during work hours without disrupting an office environment, with the remainder done after hours, which was essential to achieving the programme. A high level of communication while working in a live staged environment over months was key to the project's successful delivery.